Fri. Mar 14th, 2025
Hunter’s Vodka Recipe – Imbibe Journal


hunter's vodka recipeMakers of Hunter’s Vodka—a spice-infused spirit with myriad approaches to the recipe—have aimed extreme and low for flavorful aptitude, from kitchen cabinets to wintery woodlands. “I’ve seen each factor from infusions centered on scents of the forest flooring to straight-up baking-spice parts,” says Israel Morales, bar director and co-owner of Kachka in Portland, Oregon. “Our infusion straddles these two sorts.” Morales and his partner, Kachka co-owner and chef Bonnie Morales, styled their adaptation after the do-it-yourself variations sampled in properties and consuming locations in Russia and Belarus. Spiced with full peppercorns, juniper and cloves, it’s an aromatic vodka that conjures up a woodsy whiff. Try using your subsequent batch to make Kachka’s Chervona Wine cocktail.

1½ tsp. full allspice berries
1½ tsp. juniper berries
½ tsp. full black peppercorns
½ tsp. full coriander seeds
½ tsp. full fenugreek seeds
1 stick cinnamon
1 blade of dried star anise
1 full clove
1 750 ml. bottle of vodka
1 Tbsp. maple syrup

Devices: small skillet, quart-size jar, fine-mesh strainer, funnel

In a small skillet over medium heat, toast the allspice, juniper, peppercorns, coriander, fenugreek, cinnamon, star anise and clove, stirring until aromatic (1-2 minutes). Place the spices in a quart-size jar and add the vodka. (Save the vodka bottle for the finished infusion.) Seal the jar and let the mix steep for 4 days in a darkish, cool place. When the infusion is ready, pour the maple syrup into the reserved vodka bottle. Stress the infused vodka into the bottle using a fine-mesh strainer and funnel. Discard the spices. Shut the bottle and shake to combine. Freeze for at least 1 hour sooner than serving.

Reprinted with permission from KACHKA, copyright 2017 by Bonnie Frumkin Morales. Printed by Flatiron Books.

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